Mimesis and Art: Mischa Kuball
Wednesday, 14 January 2015, 18:15h
14.01.2015 18:15 – 19:45
Since 1984, Mischa Kuball (* 1959 in Düsseldorf) has been working in public and institutional spaces. He received notable awards and scholarships and since 1991 he has been teaching at various universities and art schools. 1999/2000 he was visiting professor at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, working on the subject of light and space, from 2004 to 2008 he taught media art at the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe. Since October 2007 he has been professor for media art at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne and founded the "-1/MinusEins Experimentallabor" there. Using the medium of light – in installations and photography – he explores architectural spaces and contributes to social and political discourses. He reflects the varying facets of cultural social structures to the point of architectural interventions that either highlight or reprogram the character and architectural context. In politically motivated and participatory projects the public and private space are crossed over. They make possible a communication between participants, the artist, the art work, and the public space.
For further details visit Mischa Kuball's Homepage
The "Mimesis and Art" talk with Mischa Kuball will take place wednesday, 14 January, 18:15 - 19:45h in the LMU Main Building/M 018.
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